What are rigid set-up boxes?

Rigid boxes are the type of box that comes to you already formed up in the shape of a box. The manufacturing process combines paper, cardboard, and glue into a beautifully finished rigid box. We take your custom size and form in out of recycled chipboard then laminate a paper wrap of your choice to the box giving you an attractive, high quality finished look.

Rigid set-up boxes are commonly used to package retail-oriented products such as gifts, stationary, board/card games, candies, cosmetics,  book gift sets and so on. Rigid Boxes are used as a primary choice of package for commemorative sets, collections items, and other high dollar products because of it’s look, durability, and after-market value. Although rigid boxes are most visibly seen in gift packaging, they can also be designed to serve a lower-end, cost effective function as well.


  1. The process you explain is right, one have to follow all the steps and rules to get rigid boxes & they are the exact & same as you explain. Retail Packaging in A Fluid Market-Place




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